MPC Wizard 2.0
MPC Wizard 2.0 (Aris Entertainment) (1993).iso
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Hercules Windows 3.1 Driver Installation
The Hercules Windows 3.1 Drivers Diskette contains both a 256 color
driver and a 32,768 color driver for Microsoft Windows 3.1. Please be
sure that TIGA is installed and working before you begin the Windows
3.1 installation procedure. If you received the Hercules Windows 3.1
disk as an update, see the section below titled "Update Note."
Before installing the Windows 3.1 drivers you must run the SELECT program
on the Hercules Windows 3.1 Drivers floppy disk. The SELECT program
prepares the disk to install the proper software for your Hercules card.
If you are not sure which Hercules Graphics Station product is installed
in your machine, run the STATION program that should already be installed
on your hard disk. The sign-on banner of the STATION program identifies
the type of Hercules Graphics Station that is installed.
To run SELECT, make sure that the current DOS default drive is the
floppy drive that contains the Hercules Windows 3.1 Drivers Diskette,
then type:
SELECT [Enter]
You will be asked which Hercules product you are using. Respond by
typing the number that corresponds to your Hercules Graphics Station
product. Now you are ready to begin the Setup procedure.
Update Note:
If you are using a Hercules software release earlier than Release 2.0
(for example 1.5, 1.6, or 1.63) it is necessary to update your TIGA
file set to Hercules Release 2.0 or higher before installing the 32,768
color Windows 3.1 driver. The README file that accompanies Hercules
Release 2.0 contains an explanation of how to perform a TIGA file set
update. Before installing the Hercules 32,768 color Windows driver,
please perform this important step. It is not necessary to update your
TIGA files in order to use the 256 color driver supplied here.
Setup Procedure
These instructions describe two different installation scenarios:
A) Updating an Existing Windows 3.1 Installation - This assumes that
Windows 3.1 is currently installed and working with an existing
display driver (such as TIGA or VGA).
B) First Time Windows 3.1 Installation - This assumes that you have
Microsoft's Windows 3.1 distribution disks and are copying the
files to your computer for the first time.
Please read the installation scenario that applies to you, and then
read the section below titled "Using Hercules Windows 3.1 Drivers."
Updating an Existing Windows 3.1 Installation:
1) Log onto your Windows 3.1 directory.
2) Type SETUP [Enter]
3) Setup will analyze your configuration and display the current system
settings. Move the cursor bar up to the "Display:" line and press
4) Setup will present a list of display drivers. Press the [Down-Arrow]
key to scroll to the bottom of the list and highlight "Other,"
press [Enter].
5) Setup prompts you to insert the disk provided by the hardware
manufacturer. Place the Hercules Windows 3.1 Drivers Diskette in
a floppy drive and specify that floppy drive for Setup. For
example A:\. Press [Enter].
6) Setup will read the Hercules disk and present you with three driver
options for your product:
- 256 Colors (Large fonts)
- 256 Colors (Small fonts)
- 32,768 Colors
7) Choose the Hercules driver that you wish to install by moving the
cursor bar to this option, press [Enter]. If you wish to install
more than one driver you may run SETUP (from DOS) multiple times.
The (Small fonts) option uses VGA fonts and resources and is best
for 640x480 and 800x600 resolutions. You may also like this option
if you have a large monitor and want to use smaller fonts at 1024x768
resolution in order to get more screen "real estate." The (Large
fonts) option uses 8514 fonts and resources and is best for
1024x768 resolution.
Reminder: If you choose the 32,768 color driver, be sure that you
are using Hercules Release 2.0 TIGA file set (or later).
8) Press [Enter] to accept the configuration.
9) Setup may find an existing driver already installed for Windows 3.1
and present a screen prompting you to press [ESC] to replace the
existing driver or [Enter] to keep the existing driver. If Setup
asks this question, Press [ESC] to copy the new driver from the
Hercules diskette.
10) Follow the prompts. Setup may ask you to supply additional disks or
specify a path to a disk.
11) After Setup has copied all of the necessary files and updated your
SYSTEM.INI file, the program will return to DOS.
First Time Windows 3.1 Installation
1) Place your Windows 3.1 disk #1 in a floppy drive, log onto that drive
and type SETUP [Enter].
2) Setup will ask you if you wish to perform an "Express" setup or a
"Custom" setup. Press C to choose Custom.
3) Specify the path for your desired Windows 3.1 installation and
press [Enter].
4) Setup will analyze the current installation and display the current
system settings. Move the cursor bar up to the "Display:" line
and press [Enter].
5) Setup will present a list of display drivers. Press the [Down-Arrow]
key to scroll to the bottom of the list and highlight "Other,"
press [Enter].
6) Setup prompts you to insert the disk provided by the hardware
manufacturer. Place the Hercules Windows 3.1 Drivers Diskette in
a floppy drive and specify that floppy drive for Setup. For example
A:\. Press [Enter].
7) Setup will read the Hercules disk and present you with three driver
options for your product:
- 256 Colors (Large fonts)
- 256 Colors (Small fonts)
- 32,768 Colors
8) Choose the driver that you wish to install by moving the cursor bar
to this option, press [Enter]. If you wish to install both the 256
color driver and the 32,768 color driver you must run SETUP (from DOS)
twice. The first time, select the 256 color driver, and the second
time choose the 32,768 color driver.
The (Small fonts) option uses VGA fonts and resources and is best
for 640x480 and 800x600 resolutions. You may also like this option
if you have a large monitor and want to use smaller fonts at
1024x768 resolution in order to get more screen "real estate." The
(Large fonts) option uses 8514 fonts and resources and is best for
1024x768 resolution.
Reminder: If you choose the 32,768 color driver, be sure that you
are using Hercules Release 2.0 file set (or later).
9) Press [Enter] to accept the configuration.
10) Follow the prompts as Setup copies file from the Hercules and
Microsoft disks. After Setup has copied all of the necessary files
and updated your SYSTEM.INI file, the program will return to DOS.
Using the Hercules Windows 3.1 Drivers
256 Color Driver:
The 256 color driver for the Graphics Station requires that the resolution
be set to the desired 256 color mode before starting Windows. Use the
STATION (or CTM) utility supplied on the Hercules Graphics Station
diskette to make this selection. For example, if you wish to use the
256 color driver at 800x600 resolution, you must set this resolution
before starting Windows. On the Graphics Station GOLD and Graphics
Station MC, this is done by typing STATION 800x600x8 [Enter]. On the
Graphics Station Card, this is done by typing CTM 2 [Enter].
32,768 Color Driver
The 32,768 color driver sets the proper mode when Windows starts. Upon
termination, the driver restores the TIGA mode that was current when
Windows was launched.
Switching Between Hercules Display Drivers
If you have multiple drivers installed (as described above), you can
select between them by running Windows Setup from the desktop. This
method is an easy way to go between 256 color operation and 32,768
color operation. To select between installed drivers:
1) Double click on the Windows Setup icon.
2) From the Options menu, select "Change System Settings..."
3) Pull down the menu of Display options.
4) Select the desired driver.
5) If you have installed this driver, Windows will inform you that a
driver for this display is already on the system. Click on the
"Current" button.
6) Click on the "Restart Windows" button to restart Windows at the new
display format.
Windows will exit and start again in the new format.
Technical Notes:
The Hercules drivers support several options in the SYSTEM.INI file.
Only one option (the PrepCurs= line) should ever be modified by the user.
The Setup program sets the other options to effect changes required by
the drivers - do not (under penalty of great inconvenience to yourself)
alter these settings.
tigafont=0 selects 96 LPI value and small fonts and resources for 256
color driver
1 selects 120 LPI value and large fonts and resources for 256
color driver
Herc= 2 indicates shared VRAM configuration of HGSC (GB1024)
1 indicates DRAM configuration of HGSC (GB1024+2)
BoardID= Required by VDDHTIGA to identify Hercules product.
TigaMode= Specifies the mode to be set by the 32,768 color driver.
PrepCurs=1 Turn cursor off and on around BitBlt operations in 32,768
color driver. Provides faster BitBlt but results in a
flickering cursor. (Default = 1)
0 Do not turn cursor off and on around BitBlt operations in
32,768 color driver. Results in a stable cursor, but at the
expense of speed, as much as 25% slower BitBlt operations.
Special Note for Graphics Station Card Users:
Windows 3.1 includes a limited ability to display DOS-based (that is
non-Windows) VGA graphics programs in a window on the desktop. Only
video boards with separate VGA memory and VGA registers can support
this capability. While the Graphics Station MC and Graphics Station
GOLD have no trouble with this operation, the feature is not supported
on the Hercules Graphics Station Card or Graphics Station+2. DOS-based
text mode programs work fine "windowed" on the desktop under Windows 3.1,
but graphics mode programs will need to be launched full-screen.
** End of File **